A downloadable Goblin Game for Windows

All of the modes and rigging  were made by our team. We would like to have feedback :)

A 3D puzzle game about saving a goblin. You play as the goblin underground and you have to fix stuff and maintain the power level to delay your death!

The game has been heavily inspired by Machinarium and little night mares

Game features

RTS movement

Interesting location that you have to explore

power management 

How to play

• RMB to walk

• E to Interact

• shift to get of the bike

• you can move between rooms by pressing E near the door

• there is a minigame with gears. Нou need to click on the ones that are not spinning

You Goal is to repair stuff and maintain power lvl by pedaling on a bike. Нou can find out that something was broken by looking at the light bulb above the door. if it is lit red then u have to go in this room and repair something.


Game Design and Programming - lolopupka & divy

Character modeling, rigging, and animation - divy


SaveGoblin.zip 44 MB

Install instructions

unpack the zip file and launch Save Goblin.exe